The Fatted Calf Syndrome

I don’t think a Sunday  goes by where I  feel like I just killed the fatted calf with my message! In fact, I often feel like I AM the fatted calf! I feel slaughtered by the doubts, strong holds and in-capabilities a spiritual leader encounters on a weekly basis. With all the demands of ministry, I often find myself falling short (at least in my mind) of helping everyone take their next spiritual step. Communicating God’s truth is a humbling endeavor, and the most sacred, highest call anyone can consider. Just yesterday at the beginning of service I noticed how full our auditorium was and could not wait to share God’s Word.  Everything was ready, the sermon, power-point, song service, specials, video. I mean, I had great plans! Then…….

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you showed up to speak in front of a large crowd and you looked down at the podium only to realize that you forgot your Bible and notes? Then you discover other vital components  missing? lol.  You wake up in a cold sweat thanking God it was only a dream!  Well, last Sunday was not quite that bad, but it was close. The power-point decided not to work, the video could not play, and in the middle of my sermon I trip over my object lesson, and it loudly falls to the ground!..  followed by awkward silence. But the thing that bothers me the most is that I feel that God’s Truth was not communicated and applied as clearly as it should. Does that bother anyone else?.. and do you ever reach a point when you feel like you have just “killed the fatted calf?”

Here are my  Five Observations….

  1. I can honestly say that anything that is of eternal value is 100% God!
  2. When I begin to think it’s me, my ministry is over.
  3. I always have room for improvement. Teach-ability is something I never want to lose! When I have arrived God leaves!   
  4. God can use anyone under any circumstance as long as they are completely yielded to Him!
  5. You cannot take unforeseen circumstances personally, but you can improve what you do have control over!

I am not saying that our services are always a circus act (depending on who you ask). By the grace of God many lives have been transformed and I am looking forward to being a part of the many others that will be as well. What I am saying is that everything done in ministry is for God’s glory, and not my own. So if God wants to make a fool out of His servant, in order for Him to be glorified…I am honored.

3 thoughts on “The Fatted Calf Syndrome

  1. You never know WHO will be reached BECAUSE of our fumbles, but God knows who they are. There’s always someone or many ones whose minds and hearts are opened to salvation or to a deeper conviction BECAUSE of our imperfect presentation. God’s word does not return void. Great post, Cody!

  2. Pastor, I do in fact know what you are saying…I have experienced it in a little different way but have just the same. I believe that staying humble sometimes means experiencing imperfection every now and then so that we rely so heavily on God’s power and not our own.

    I also believe that the closer we get to God’s purpose, the more the enemy tries to tell us lies. Lies like, I should have said that better, or no one got what I was trying to teach, or the most pernicous lie, you did not really hear from God on the subject you just spoke on or the method you chose. That is how the enemy operates, he is a lyer. I believe even further, that it is not long after that, God’s biggest break through happens.

    I was there, and I can tell you, the message, God’s message, was clear, seeds were planted, and you do not know right away how God will use every single thing that happened…even the imperfections. What the enemy ment for bad, God will use for good…and His glory.

    It is such a privilege to be a part of Breton Road Baptist Church, and a part of God’s work there, and under your leadership. I am always in prayer for our church, you and Shonda. I trust that God will continue to work in you and through you.


  3. I love it when God is in control!! The Holy Spirit is able to take the imperfect words that come out of our mouths and transform them as they reach the hearers ears, much like Peter’s words at Pentecost. As long as the intent is GOD HONORING, He will use it to fulfill His will for the church.
    Praise God for a pastor who cares about honoring God!!

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